How to work in Australia without AHPRA yet – Guide for Filipino NCLEX Passers

Location: Philippines

In this blog post, you will learn about how to be a nurse in Australia from Philippines, what a training visa is and how you can benefit from it. You will also learn about the pathway to become a registered nurse in Australia.


Nursing in Australia

According to a poll done by our team, Australia is the top preferred work destination for Filipino nurses. It is no wonder because Australia has so much wonder to offer. From breathtaking views to competitive salary packages and benefits, it is clear why Australia emerged as the winner of the poll.

However, it can be difficult and expensive to apply directly to work in Australia under a work visa if you do not already have an AHPRA license. Apart from the hefty fees to pay, you will need 1 to 2 years before you can step foot into Australia.


Training Visa to work in Australia

A training visa allows you to work in Australia as a healthcare assistant (HCA) for a year while preparing for your Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE), and then convert to a registered nurse under a work visa after getting your AHPRA license within the same year. If you are an NCLEX passer, this is the best opportunity for you to work in Australia.


Here’s the comparison if you were to apply to work in Australia directly under a work visa versus under a training visa:

Work visaTraining visa
Time needed1-2 years6-8 months
Certifications required·      NCLEX


·      OSCE

·      NCLEX




Salary in Australia under a training visa

Under a training visa, you can earn from AUD 5200 monthly. Overtime pay of 1.5 times will be provided.

Through a training visa, you can earn in Australian dollars while you save up and fund for your AHPRA license. This way, you can spend less money and time to achieve your dreams.



What’s next after a training visa?

After attaining your APHRA license, you will be converted to a registered nurse and work under a work visa (TSS482).

With a work visa, you can then look forward to getting permanent residency in Australia. You can also bring your spouse and children along to live in Australia.


Requirements to get a training visa

There are 2 main requirements to get a training visa: certifications and experience.


Certifications required to work in Australia under a training visa:

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Passed IELTS/OET/PTE



  • 2-3 years inpatient experience in bedside care that is transferrable into aged-care settings. The specialties include:
    • General Medical
    • Surgical
    • Rehabilitation
    • Geriatric Infectious diseases (inpatient)
    • Dementia (inpatient)
    • Palliative Care


Ready to be nurse in Australia from Philippines?



You may also be interested in: Australia Registered Nurse position.


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